Thursday, December 13, 2007

Terrorism--Violence--Poverty:- Can it ever end?

David and his parents were travelling in their car. They were on the way back from a party. Suddenly there were lots of noises around. David could understand that they were stuck in traffic jam. They were surrounded by cars and trucks. There were people destroying public and private properties. They took many new ways and lot of time to reach home.

After reaching home David asked, "who are those guys? Why are they bothering the public and private properties?"

"They are terrorists. They fight for some rights; they are fighting against the government."

One day David went to buy food from the near by store, while retur
ning a boy from the street snatched the food from David and ran away.

David came home and asked his dad "why that boy snatched the food from me?"

"He is poor. He can't buy or prepare food.That's why he stole the food from you."

Day by day violence increased in their area. One day David heard lots of shooting sounds. He saw some army vehicles around.

"He asked his dad; whats going on around?"

"The terrorists are equipped with power full weapons. So the government has opened a war to fight against the terrorists
. That's why you could see army vehicles and hear shooting sounds."

Next day David went to school but, it was closed. so he came home.

"Why there is no school open dad?"

"There is a war going on here. Many people are losing their lives. Many people have homeless. those homeless people have taken shelter in school."

Out side the house he saw gang members shouting slogans against the government and destroying public and private properties they see in front of them. He also saw the boy who snatched the food
, going with the gang.

"Why that boy is in that gang, dad?"

"I can't explain it to you. You are too small to understand all these."

Few days later something fell on his house. He heard loud noise and cries and lost his conscious. Whe he got back his conscious he saw his mom him in her arm and hiding in a place.

"Where is dad and my brother?"

"I was not able to find them. I could only save you."

David understood that his father and his brother are missing and not sure if they are alive.

David and his mom were alone and homeless. They stayed in a school. His mom fell sick due to injuries in her leg.

The food distributed by the government was not enough because there were many homeless people living in the school.

He searched for job but, he didn't get any, may be he was too young. They starved for many days.

One day David saw a goup of boys eating in the lawn. He snatched food from one of the boys and ran back to the school. He gave the food to his mom. She refused to eat it because he stole the food from others.

Few days later his mom died due to starvation and sickness.

He cried for a long time. He got angry because of all these but he was helpless.

He heard slogans behind him. He saw some gangsters; he joined
them. He also did the activities they did. When he was moving with that gang he saw a boy snatching food from someone and running away. The boy was not fast enough and was caught and hit for stealing the food. The boy fell down and cried.

David now understood all these. He moved out of the gang and went near the boy. He consoled him. He held his hand and took him to the opposite side.

He didn't know where to go or what to do but, he knew he should never enter into violent activities and do crimes. To gain his rights or make up his laws he should no damage others.

He took the boy and walked away. still he could hear noises here and there. He knew that is never ending...